This is me on the way! Super pumped! And yes my hair is starting to grow back a little! I can't wait to have hair again!
I had some very special friends visit! Thank you Jess, Sarah, and Laura! You made the day so much more enjoyable!!! I don't know what I'd do without you girls!
I received beautiful flowers from my team at work!
I got cards in the mail, many encouraging texts, and flowers and icecream from Lana and Matt!
Plus...the Fall Fairies (aka Brittany and Nick) visited my house while I was gone and made. my. day.
I mean really?! How amazing are these people?!
My friend Shanna even provided me with magazines for entertainment.
What an amazing support system I have!
I even received a certificate of completion from the amazing staff at Thompson Cancer Survival Center.
Even though I am truly happy to be done, I will miss my amazing nurses!
Needless to say, it was a pretty amazing day. I am in the process of recovering and in 5 weeks I will get a pet scan on November 1st.
On November 7th we will find out the results....If the scan is clean, which is our prayer, then I will be in remission! Woo hoo!
If it's not clean, then I may have to undergo additional treatments or radiation.
I've been thinking a lot about what this means that I am finished with treatments. I am beyond thrilled to not have to get poked and have poison go in my veins every other week, but I'm having to fight a lot of fear as well.
I'm afraid to completely celebrate until we get a clean pet scan.
I'm afraid that we'll get through all of this and then the cancer will come back.
I'm afraid it will take me longer than I want to recover.
I told my mom yesterday that the 12 treatments were like climbing a mountain.
I had this huge obstacle in front of me that I had to get over. Even though it was a big mountain, I knew what it looked like. I had a very specific task in front of me. et through 12 treatments.
Check! Now what?
Now that the mountain is behind me, I don't know what the path ahead looks like...which is a bit scary.
But whenever I get in places like this, I have to fall back on truth.
Truth #1: Fear is NOT of God. (Did you know God tells us to "Not be afraid" 365 times in the bible!)
Truth #2: God has protected me thus far, He will continue to protect me.
Truth #3: My life is not my own. My purpose is to glorify my maker, no matter what that means.
Truth #4: We are trusting God for COMPLETE HEALING!!!
Pray and believe with me that this thing is finished. I would like to spend the month of October recovering, losing weight, growing back hair, and enjoying the Fall! Not worrying about the future.
I love all of you and am so thankful for all the support.
This is the last time you'll see this banner! It will get torn down very soon!
12 down, 0 to go!!!!! :-) Complete Healing!!!