
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year, New Plan

Well, we've made it to the end of 2012!  In many ways I am glad to see this year go. 2012 has easily been the hardest year of my life. It has definitely been an unforgettable year. However, some of my sweetest memories have occurred in 2012. My marriage is stronger. My relationships with family are stronger. Many friendships have grown and I've seen the body of Christ move in powerful ways! My faith has been challenged and trust increased.

As I look forward to 2013, I am excited and anxious. I am praying that 2013 is a year of victory for us. This will hopefully be the year that I finally beat this cancer and we can move on with our lives.
I also know that this will be the biggest fight of my life so far and I'm in for a lot of pain and hard times. I am preparing to fight!

My husband and I always set goals for a new year and try to make a plan!
I pretty much have one goal this beat cancer. We have our treatment plan and are praying that everything goes according to plan. The stem cell will be extremely hard physically, mentally and emotionally. This means I need to be as strong as I possibly can be physically, mentally, and emotionally before it happens. Some side effects of the treatments include depression, physical weakness, fatigue, and forgetfulness. My hope is to avoid these as much as possible and fight against it like crazy! I am adjusting my diet and exercise and trying to make sure my brain stays healthy and sharp. Here are my goals and my plan for this year!

Goals for 2013

Ways to Achieve this Goal
1. Drink more water!
2. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables
3. Limit sugar
4. Limit red meat
5. Do some sort of activity for 30 minutes a day
6. Read 3 chapters of the bible every day
7. Do a brain game or puzzle every day
8. Pray with my husband every day

Lord willing a year from now I will be writing the God cured my cancer in 2013 and we'll be looking forward to a family! Please continue to pray for us as we move forward and claim victory in the name of Jesus!

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