
Monday, May 2, 2011

Hope for the Hopeless

So....there's so much I could update you on and I will....however, I think it's important for me to focus on one particular thing today.

Yesterday David and I had the privilege of going downtown to Water Angels Church. ( I wanted to link you to their ministry website, but it's not working right now.)

This is a ministry that began when a mom and her young daughters were doing a service project for their girl scout troop. They decided to pass out water to homeless people in downtown Knoxville. The more they went, the more they connected with people, and everyone started calling them the "water angels." This small act of service has led to an entire church and ministry to homeless people.

Every Sunday they have a church service in the afternoon that various local churches help put together. Northstar helps out I believe once a month. They serve lunch to them afterwards. There are bible studies thorughout the week and various outings they go on. They also help them get food, clothing, shelter, and other needs. (For example, they are going together this week to help people get ID's that don't have one)

I have helped out in ministires similar to this before, but I am so completely moved by what God is doing in this place.

Not only am I completely humbled that people who have nothing can praise the Lord and say how good He is when I complain about everything, but I was moved by the work of the Lord to deliver these people from the captivity of sin.

There were people who had abused drugs for YEARS who are clean now and are serving the Lord. One woman was a nurse and lost her license because of drugs, went to jail, and abused drugs for years. Then she was saved and asked God to deliver her. Not only is she clean now, but because of her testimony and character has earned her nursing certificate back! How amazing is our God!?! There were so many similar stories of God restoring people who were considered "hopeless" by our standards.

This is what I learned yesterday. People that we look at and say in our hearts "there's no hope for them" CAN be delivered!! Our God can do so much more than we give Him credit for. No one is hopeless to God. There is ALWAYS hope!

I want so desperately to show God to hurting people. If God can deliver a prostitute or a drug dealer, don't you think he can deliver you? What do you need to be delivered from today? What is holding you back? What has your heart hostage?

I'll leave you with the precious prayer of one of the little girls at Water Angels church. This child is probably 10 years old. I don't know if she's homeless or just from a poor family. I don't even remember her name. But I will never forget her prayer.

"God you are the light of my world. Lord you are the healer of my heart."

Recognize today that you can pray this same prayer to our Father. He IS the healer of hearts.

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